Friday, April 25, 2008

Six Degrees in HD or High Depression.

So today at work I was making some HD files for a VOD server the programming I was converting was National Geographic Channels "SIX Degrees". Real interesting programming on Global warming.........and Real Depressing. It's amazing what we are doing to our planet. Next week it's the commuter train!
Little by little I've been trying to make a difference where I can, CFL bulbs instead of Incandescent bulbs, timers on anything, driving slower, renewable resources etc.
But after reading the news WTF can one person do? It's like spitting into the ocean. Check out this story...
I mean really we can point the fingers at everybody else but to do that with a clear mind, you have clean your own house!

Some my observations on the program that were hypocritical, other observations, and possible

SIX Degrees documentary

Problem: Scientists studying the effects of green house gases using snowmobiles going
out on the glaciers.
Solution: Why not use Dog sleds? Specially those poor pups you noted that were
Unemployed due to melting of the ice flows.


Problem: I can't quote verbatim but basically the methane produced by cattle accounts
for more that 5 times of greenhouse gases than that of carbon dioxide pound
per pound.

Solution: Walk you fat butt down to the burger joint.
This leads me to another observation. Obesity!

Human Carbon footprint and subcategories

Problem: Estimation is 4.6 lbs per day now multiply that for the world population
6,602,224,175 (July 2007 est.) that's 30.73 billion pounds of waste per day.

Solution: Now make your little difference on that and eat healthy proportions, go pick those
Soda cans out of the trash and move them to the recycle bin. Find other ways to
Recycle, and if you want to eat a freaking burger offset your Carbon footprint and
walk you butt down to the burger joint.

Problem: Obesity...COME ON PEOPLE! Gives a new meaning to "eating one out of house and home" should change it to "eating us out of Home and Planet!"

Solution: Find your BMR "Basil Metabolic Rate" what your body "needs!" to maintain a
healthy weight. I'm an active 45 yrsold male, 197lbs, 6'1" my BMR is
1921 Calories/day to maintain my current weight.

Problem: Why does a man/woman family of 3 or 4 that doesn't drive in the snow go
off-road to camp need a 10 mpg SUV? Really! Nothing worse than seeing a single
driver in a BUS aka SUV that 20 years ago would have been shuttling special needs
children to school.

Solution: Need something big for the weekend trip, Rent an SUV or leave the beast in the
driveway and drive the smaller car when it's just you! Kids need to get to soccer
practice 10 blocks down the road, or get to school 5 blocks down the road?
How's about a bicycle? OK so we're worried about the creeps along the way. That's
my next observation.

Problem: Pedophiles, Drug dealers that make it unsafe for our children to walk anywhere
or play in their own front yard.

Solution: Reduce the human carbon footprint ;)

So I could go on and on with this topic about how we are destroying our planet because of this or that. Humorous or not my approach, offensive or not, we need to do as much as we can and influence others to change the course we're sendingthis planet down.

Ya I know what little can I do, it's just spit in a bucket. Well if enough people spit in that bucket we can douse a fire out!

I heard a real stupid quote, "The Earth isn't going to survive, if we don't do something!" Well that's not entirely true. Earth will go on...........but with out us!

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